We are a group that meets at 7:00pm every two weeks on Wendsday of each month at various locations around the San Jose area to talk about all things 3D printing and whatever else strikes our fancy. We welcome newcomers, novices and the generally curious (and anyone else who wanders into our clutches). We often bring a few printers to work on, so feel free to bring yours as well. Announcements go out on our mailing list, we also have a group on Meetup.com. We also have a subreddit r/SV3DPrinting.
The group was founded in July 2009 by James Warmkessel and friends, first meeting at TechShop Menlo Park. Since that day we have met at TechShop San Jose, Hacker Dojo, TheShop-Build, Maker Nexus, and B2 (in San Pedro Square Market).